Addressing Guilt

A 90-minute workshop for cycle-breakers who struggle with guilt and family guilt-tripping when doing the work of living more authentically.

About This Workshop

In this workshop, Nick will share a powerful model for understanding how guilt covertly (and overtly) operates in individuals and families, where these patterns are rooted (hint: it rarely starts with you) and what you can do to prevent guilt from sabotaging your progress.

Once you see the patterns, you’ll see why guilt and guilt tripping has much less to do with what you as an individual are doing or not doing, and everything to do with family history, longstanding belief systems, and even unaddressed generational traumas of the past.

In this workshop, you will…

  • Identify the relationship between the cycle-breaker role and how guilt operates in your family: Bringing the patterns front and center into your awareness and seeing it’s impact today

  • Learn to powerfully reframe guilt: Understanding how guilt can, surprisingly, be a first sign that you’re making progress and living more authentically

  • Uncover how guilt can sabotage you: Even those who do not feel they are burdened with guilt on a daily basis may still be dealing with the unconscious pressure to atone for their life choices; Making certain choices look understandable, acceptable or successful to “make up” for the way they defy expectations. Whichever form guilt takes, it threatens to keep you stuck if it’s not addressed directly.

  • A set of practices to help you let go of the toxic guilt that is making it hard to break the cycle3 and live a life aligned with your values

By the end, the goal is to have you depart with some major insights about your path and how to continue you can progressively free yourself from the shame and guilt that causes so much suffering for those who desire to live authentically.

And along the way, you’ll feel deeply affirmed that you’re not alone in this process and that in all likelihood, you’ve already broken through more of these barriers than you realize.

There will be a Q&A space at the end for questions.

Note: By signing up, you will get a copy of the recording. If you can’t make it live, you have permanent access to the recorded class.

Class Information

Date: Thursday, August 15th
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (10am PST, 6pm UK GMT)
Duration: 1.5 hours (might go over a few minutes to accommodate Q&A)

Kind Words From Those Who Have Worked With Nick

A Video That Inspired This Workshop

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This workshop is ideal for anyone who feels burdened by unresolved guilt that are connected to family dynamics, whether inherited or current. It is beneficial for individuals seeking clarity, healing, and a deeper understanding of these patterns.

  • Anyone in crisis or seeking 1:1 consultation. Because this is a larger group format, there won’t be space to address individual challenges with the depth needed for crisis support.

  • August 15th at 1:00PM-2:30PM EST, via Zoom. When you sign up you'll get a confirmation as well as reminder emails as we get closer.

  • Yes. All participants receive lifetime access to the recording regardless of whether or not you’re able to make it live.

About Nick Werber

Nick is an integrative coach, educator and writer working in the realms of embodiment, generational trauma, and the intersection between identity and belonging. He is a board member of The Focalizing Institute 501(c)(3) and received the bulk of his initial training over a decade of mentorship from the institute’s founder and renown somatic psychologist, Dr. Michael Picucci.

To date, Nick has taught hundreds of therapists, coaches and helping professionals across 12+ countries on how to develop inner resiliency and transform the narratives that are at the root of what keeps people stuck.

An avid teacher, his work has been viewed across social media over 25 million times.

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