Family & Ancestry Healing At Maha Rose

Maha Rose

Family & Ancestry Healing Workshop
Sunday March 18th
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Location: Maha Rose Center of Healing, 97 Green St Brooklyn, NY 11222
Exchange: $55
Click here to enroll

I'm excited to announce I'll be returning to Maha Rose to lead a healing workshop on family and ancestry Sunday March 18th. The workshop will offer an opportunity for people to connect the dots within themselves and their lineage in a way they may never have before. From there, we'll move from insight to action and open our minds and bodies to resolutions that can profoundly shift our lives outside of the session.

Why look at our family and ancestors? The latest research in the field of Epigenetics shows that the effects of trauma experienced by ancestors can be passed down to children, grandchildren and beyond. A family history that includes war, abuse, displacement, secrets or the emotional toll of an unexpected death does not end with the ancestors that experienced it. Instead our ancestor's experience lives on and influences our coping mechanisms, how we support ourselves, who we bond with, how we use money and where we feel safe in the world.

Our family has a strong influence on how we face the world. It can be a powerful resource or something that on some level we feel we must overcome in order to be the person we want to be. No matter the circumstances, we'll work gently and compassionately to find strength in where we come from. And we'll have the opportunity to bring that new sense of strength and rootedness into our lives.

Full Workshop Description

“A human being is part of the whole… [though] he experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” – Albert Einstein

The latest research in the field of Epigenetics shows that the effects of trauma experienced by ancestors can be passed down to children, grandchildren and beyond. A family history that includes war, displacement, secrets, abuse or the emotional toll of an unexpected death does not end with the ancestors that experienced it. Instead, it lives on in the descendants.

Using Systemic Family Constellations we will examine the deepest, often ignored aspects of who we are and where we come from. We'll examine the long-tail effects transgenerational suffering has on our coping mechanisms, how we support ourselves, who we bond with, how we use money and where we feel safe in the world. Once connected with these broader views of who we are, we'll engage in a process that uncovers meaningful resolutions that can translate into positive shifts in our lives outside of the session.

In this eyes-open, experiential approach, the group will be asked to stand and represent people from your family, lineage, or a significant other in your life. As these individuals stand in representation, they will be gently guided to tap into a field of consciousness that allows them to become a mirror that reflects back the dynamics you’re exploring. At first, the accuracy of these maps or constellations may be surprising. But as we progress through the workshop, we’ll go beyond creating visual representations of our lives and move towards how we can free ourselves from the entanglements that are wrapped around our potential to receive and experience more from life.

Some of the intentions of this workshop:

  • Engage in a process of connecting with consciousness that is beyond the ordinary
  • Experience what it feels like to have our personal stories and family history be a source of strength that enables us to live in alignment with our goals
  • Break unconscious cycles of sabotage by bringing the roots of unwanted patterns into conscious awareness and transmuting them
  • Connect anger, resentment or hopelessness with its core source to reveal practical steps toward resolution

A note: Every person will experience tapping into differing fields of consciousness and will represent for each other in the class. Due to the format and timeframe, it may be the case that one or two attendees will not have a personal constellation done of their family. However, for the majority of people that engage in this work, the experience of representing for others is just as insightful as having a personal constellation. What you represent is always of significance.


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