
Family Constellations in Mexico

Oaxaca, Mexico
2022 and 2023 Retreat Waitlist

The March 2022 Mexico retreat has ended. If you’re interested in future retreats in Oaxaca Mexico with Nick Werber, share your name and email below in order to be the first to know when they’re announced. Retreats typically happen in either February/March or in October and get posted 3 to 4 months in advance.

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What Family Constellations Retreats Include

  • A set of concrete tools you can use to deepen your connection to your own internal compass and intuition - developing an ongoing practice that will continue with you after the retreat.

  • Root level, family and parts-work using Family Constellations. Each of us carries baggage that we didn’t create but must bear nonetheless. For many, this work is instrumental in opening up to new possibilities and stepping out old conditioning. More on this below.

  • A container of like-minded individuals that are committed to engaging with integrity and authenticity and have arrived with a willingness to truly go deep on behalf of this group.

  • All your meals, lodging, and practice time included and received at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

  • A balanced retreat that provides a healthy amount of free time for you to cultivate new friendships, swim in the ocean, and explore the paradise that surrounds you.

About Family Constellations / Family Shadow Work

Family Constellations is an eyes-open, experiential approach, in which fellow participants will be asked to stand and represent relevant aspects of your life. Depending on the blocks you’re experiencing, representatives may be chosen for specific family members, your partner, a boss, an ex, or other entities in your life. As these individuals stand in representation, they will be gently guided to tap into an awareness that allows them to become a mirror that reflects back the dynamics you’re exploring.

At first, the accuracy of these maps or constellations may be surprising. But as we progress through the weekend, we’ll go beyond creating visual representations and move towards how you can free yourself from the barriers that are preventing you from creating a life that’s aligned with your larger intentions. A deeper explanation of Family Constellations can be found here.

In addition to the Constellations work and various exercises to support you and your personal intentions, included in this experience will be time set aside to simply enjoy the magnificent natural beauty of the retreat center grounds.

About Nick Werber

Nick Werber is an integrative coach in private practice specializing in individual, family and inherited trauma, embodiment, applied neuroscience and energy work. He is a board member of The Focalizing Institute and received the bulk of his initial training over nearly a decade of mentorship from the institute’s founder and pioneering psychologist, Dr. Michael Picucci.

Nick has been a featured practitioner and teacher by the Embodiment Conference, the Center for Integrative Hypnosis, and the MyWellbeing network and leads workshops and retreats both domestically and abroad. Approximately five years into his work with the Focalizing Institute, a mixture of intuition and serendipity moved him to work with several world-renowned practitioners of Systemic Family Constellations including Suzi Tucker, Dan Cohen and Emily Blefeld. Today, he has become a prominent voice for Family Constellations and the effects of ancestral trauma and is one of the most active FC facilitators in the Northeastern United States.

While working with clients privately, Nick has continued to follow in the footsteps of Dr. Picucci by teaching therapists, coaches and bodyworkers the power of Focalizing. To date, he has trained hundreds of Focalizing practitioners across 12+ countries on how to utilize their body as means to connect with intuition, heal from trauma, and build inner resiliency.